Sunday, January 24, 2010

#43.) Just finished reading my 3rd out of 3rd motivational book. It is entitled "Strengths Finder 2.0" and focuses on having somebody focus their mind onto their strengths to improve on those talents instead of attempting to create a talent. I am terrible at selling butt great at numbers and organization so I should focus my energy into a field where those are the main characteristics you need.
During reading this book, I am honestly considering getting some extra schooling and pursuing a career in the accounting and finance field. I would say this book motivated me quite a bit.

My 3 motivational books were:
  1. Think and Grow Rich
  2. Real Estate Investing in your 20's
  3. Strengths Finder 2.0

#31.) As for some music, I have been playing through Pandora pretty intensely. I think that will be the only way I find any music on my own because I do not really read about the bands I like and I do not talk music with any friends. My first pick for music that I found on my own is:
-Regina Spektor
She has such a relaxing tone and reminds me of Feist who had that happy song on one of the IPod commercials a while back.

#23.) I have actually already scratched this one off butt I remade my Excel document to be more efficient both visually and operationally. It took me a few hours butt my Excel finance document is sick. I have data bars on each column so I can see where I spend the most in each category. I have icons that tell me if I am over my budget in a certain category. I have nice looking tables that total up each category plus add to the totals of the month. It looks real jazzy and I am considering replugging in my data from the past few years. I think Ima have to be real bored to do that though.