Tuesday, December 15, 2009

#64.) Just finished putting together a jazzy little Christmas card. I am only sending out 12 of them. I do not really understand how some people send out over 100. Some lady printing hers up before me had 125 being printed up. I would like to send out a good 25 next year.

Saturday, December 5, 2009

#22.) So my lovely girlfriend just moved in with me and while she was signing her part of the lease and reading it over, the agent forgot to detach the credit report for myself, moon and ash's dad. Being the curious cat that she is, Ash took a peek see at our credit scores.
My credit score as of Dec 1, 2009 is 796
Thank you baby cakes for helping me out with this one you sly devil.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

#20.) November is done so I was able to figure out if I had made a profit for the month and I did. Making profit in November puts me a 6 months for the year 2009! I made a profit in Nov, Oct, Aug. Jun. Apr and Mar. Although it isnt on this list, I would like to try to make a profit for 8 months in 2010. Let's hope NLS starts bringing in some descent cash.