Friday, May 14, 2010

#87.) So for mother's day this year I really wanted to get my mom a nice professional studio photo of my sisters and I. What I had in mind was for us to get semi-dressed up and smile nice. Mother wanted nothing of the sort and said she wanted us to look how she remembers us which is not all posed and formal.....which is awesome and why I love my mommy. So we tried taking some crazy photos butt this photographer was a little square. (I would just like to note that I have never referred to somebody as "square" butt it sounds kinda funny so I might start using that-or L7 weeny) He told us that he was the one doing these shots because he can be creative and very informal and that he is crazy. Right away he had us posed in a typical KMart family photo session. We made some fun out of it and have some pretty descent pictures though.

Here is a sample from some of the ridiculousness: