Friday, June 12, 2009

Summaries Begin

Friday June 12, 2009

I figured that I can start keeping everyone up to date with how my 101 in 1,001 list is going. Here is what you have missed:

2.) I am actually on my 5th month of not drinking soda so I have far exceeded this goal.

4.) Got me a new set of glasses. The last time i did that was over ten years ago. Both the doctor and the nurse laughed at my last set of thick green frames.

10.) This one was surprisingly easy. I think it was because I knew once I farted in front of Ashley, I would have to start the 30 days all over again. So I was determined to get this one out of the way so she would have to wait until my next list.

13.) My mommy got me a new IPod for Christmas so I was able to get all my music onto one of the two IPods that I own.

15.) I made a stop to the salvation army with a huge pile of clothes. They weren't open so I left it at the gate. It rained about an hour later so I hope poor people like moldy smelling clothes.

21.) I started an online savings account with my current bank so I am halfway on this step.

23.) For years now, I have recorded every cent i have spent and made. It was about time I was able to create an Excel document for this so I didnt have to do the math at the end of every month.

30.) Had me pops pick me up a nice blue acoustic guitar as a late christmas gift. Playing it is not on my list so I shall keep it in the corner to look good.

44.) In Kyoto, Japan Moon and I stayed at a really nice 4 star hotel. On their room booklets, they kept mentioning a full body massage for only $45/hr. After a whole day of touring around I thought this to sound like a great idea. A little old japanese lady shows up at my door not speaking a word of english. It was fun having her try to explain how I was supposed to lay down. For a 200 year old lady, she massaged the hell outta my body. (nothing was a clean hotel)

52.) Got my passport for Japan

54.) I was excited to get together my IGoogle butt I am surprised at how many stupid things I like better than the things I use. I seem to have a page full of funny cat photos.

68.) You want beard??

71.) I junked some old school ska music that was great when I was 15 butt it was time to upgrade to some new music.

74.) I went ahead and spent the extra few bucks to make all the lightbulbs energy saving ones. I do not notice any difference in my electric bill butt I still feel that I did good for Miss. Mother Nature.

81.) Moon and I visited Ueno Park Nature & Sciences Museum in Tokyo, Japan

Here is moon fighting off a huge blue whale