Wednesday, November 25, 2009

#63.) Amonst this whole family tree research project I have been working on, I have gotten in touch with a ridiculous amount of family members. Although I would like to count this towards number 63 on my list, I do have to take into consideration that number 63 states that I need to get a hold of family members that "I have lost touch with". 99% of the people I have contacted are family members that I never was in touch with.

I did however get a hold of my cousin Jimmy. I was getting information about the Crawford side of my family and have emailed him numerous times. I remember when I was younger, Jimmy used to take my sisters and I around and I remember it being a lot of fun. It was cool to get up with him again.
Here is a photo us all the Hamilton kids with Nanny and
Uncle Jimmy (1st cousin once removed)

May 1991