Thursday, September 29, 2011

It is is what I could not finish and my lame excuses for not finishing each:

3. Get my weight to 195lbs
I love food. I finished 90 days of P90x and actually got my weight to about 205 at its lowest. 195 is going to have to be extreme butt motivation for that weight isnt that great.
8. Fix my crooked tooth (invisiline)
Cash money
17. Volunteer for 2 charitable events (0/2)
Opportunity did not arrive once. I actually joined an honors fraternity recently so I should have some opportunity to take care of this one
18. Generate passive income enough to pay my monthly bills
This is tough to accomplish in a short time and is more of a long-term goal
24. Save up to buy a motorcycle
I saved up a descent amount of money butt now that I am not working and going to school, the last thing I should do is spend money on a motorcycle
25. Brew my own beer
I really wish I did this one.
26. Cook 3 different crock pot recipes (0/3)
I moved away from Tim and he had a crock pot
28. Print out my family tree
It is way too big to print out. It also is not complete even though I have about 3,000 people on it. I have printed out a book report on half of my family and gave it to my great aunts for christmas so I think I half accomplished this
29. Learn to ride/drive a motorcycle
Owning a motorcycle would help
32. Go to a shooting range
This is another one I really wish I had done and I am not sure why it never happened.
33. Take a spontaneous road trip
It is tough to take a spontaneous road trip with so many schdeduling conflicts
34. Ride a jet ski
I came close....we were going to rent jet skis butt it rained that weekend
40. Visit the Playboy mansion
Money and time
45. Do a voice over for a studio
I need somebody on the inside
46. See a sunrise and sunset on the same day in on open land
I was lazy with this one and I guess just didnt want to really do it. It would be nice butt I think this was just a filler for the list
48. Join an intramurals sports team
I tried. I signed up and they never got back up with me to put me on a team. wahhhh
49. Go skydiving
Almost.....I had a tripped planned and one by one people bailed out until it was down to two people. Then money became an issue so I was the last to bail
50. Get a bull dog
I do not want to get a bulldog until I have more of a set schedule and am more financially stable
51. Start a fire with things in nature
Tim and I tried this during our camping trip and I would say put a good hour into. I watched videos before hand and tried really really hard to make this happen. That is a tough thing to do
53. Watch a Duke game live at Cameron Indoor Stadium
I need some friends in higher places
60. Visit an amusement park with some friends
I have this planned for 2 weeks from now so hopefully that still happens
63. Email 3 family members that I have lost touch with (2/3)
I havent really lost touch with many family members. I did meet a lot of new family members that I was never in touch with so that kind of makes up for it
64. Send out Christmas cards (1/2)
It was easier when I wasnt single. Sending out a christmas card of just me is kinda weird
66. Create 10 different play lists for 10 different moods (7/10)
I don't really need playlists so never put much effort into this. I just let my music play on random at all times and that has worked nice
72. Get a big flat widescreen television
TV is such a waste of time
73. Send in a comment card to somewhere
I dont think I really came across any comment cards
75. Catch, cook, and eat a fish
This one I really want to do too. I ned to just hit up a charter boat and catch a fish.
76. Go on another snowboarding trip
Cash money and time
77. Learn how to use nun chucks
There is only so much to learn by watching youtube videos. I would much rather learn by an instructor
78. Give a homeless person some food
I didnt see any homeless people. This one would have been a lot easier had I still lived in NY
79. Do something nice for someone and have them never find out
I really tried. Butt people find things out
80. Visit an aquarium
I kinda did with the croc thing in myrtle. This one is one of those things that you dont really do with your friends butt more with a girlfriend. So single life kinda ended my chances here.
84. Donate 1/2 million grains of free rice at (22,000/500,000)
This just got boring. And who knows if I am really donating any rice
86. Transfer my 8mm tapes to digital
I need my tapes to put them on digital and Kenny still has them
88. Attend Crown club
I do not think it exists any more
89. Go golfing on a full course
Still trying to do. I have brought it up a bunch of times butt nobody I know really goes golfing
90. Watch 10 full movie/television season commentaries (0/10)
Wow this was a fail. I guess I am just not that interested in watching them
91. Test drive a car that I know I cannot afford
This sounds like it would be fun butt it is tough to actually get motivated to drive a car you want and know you cannot buy
93. Visit 3 big U.S. cities that I have not been to yet (2/3)
I was happy I got 2. Money would have helped me see more
94. Play in a high stakes fantasy sports league
I have been short on cash and trying to stay away from fantasy sports for a little while
95. Raffle something off
Tough to do when I try to not talk to anybody. This would have been easier when i was running Lazyday and organizing events and whatnot.
100. Cook an elaborate dinner for a friend(s)
This sounds like it should be a romantic type deal and well....single doesnt help
101. Take a trip with Kenny, Ian and Dave
I dont like them anymore.

Ok I do and as fun as it would be, it is tough to get us all together unless somebody is getting married.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

#98.) Pulled a camping trip with some friends over at Carolina State Park. Apparently no beers and no fire were the rules. I did not get to poop in the woods like I wanted to and I tried to scratch off #58 butt could not get a fire to start. It is a lot harder than I thought it would be. The toughest part is finding sticks to fit the right specifications.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

#7.) I got the first outline done on my half sleeve yesterday and go back for a second session next wednesday. I think I do a third after that to get it all colored. I will wait until it is done for a picture.

#21.) Finally got my savings account to over $5K. I have been putting 10% of every paycheck into the account and not touching it. Every now and then if I have extra money laying around I will throw that in there too. Not really sure what I wanted to do with this money butt I suppose it is just good to have.

#67.) JBone got a scale for our bathroom a way back. Although I did not buy this scale, I still have one in my bathroom which is really all I wanted. I just wanted to keep a general idea of how fat I was.